As a part of her Easter basket, AC received some "noise putty" (aka Flarp). The fart-like noises caused squeals of delight from both girls and provided much entertainment in it's short life in our household. Today, however, that life came to an end.
AC had asked to play with her "fart goo" today and I agreed, stipulating she must keep it at her table. She played with an air of gleeful disgust for a good 20 minutes until I heard "Uh, oh..."
In an attempt to make a goo necklace, she had succeeded in smashing the goo into, not only her hair, but had ground it into the collar and down the back of her shirt.
Mommy calmly threw away the remaining goo and marched her into the bathroom armed with canola oil and a fine toothed comb. It took a good (and greasy) 30 minutes to meticulously comb the goo out of her hair. She had at least half of the jar it matted into the hair at the nape of her neck. This kid has a LOT of hair and it's LONG. Needless to say, she didn't get in trouble, removal was punishment enough, there were cries and shouts of pain galore despite my best efforts to limit the pain. Rory had to get in on it and stand in the bathroom crying for reasons she knew not.
After cleaning up that mess and washing her hair in the shower, it was time to head to my favorite restaurant for dinner. I was SO ready for it after that ready, in fact, that I ordered 4 desserts to go. In my defense, the restaurant was hosting a fundraiser for AC's school in which the school receives 20% of all sales, so, the more money I spend, the more money the school makes. According to my rationale, I can just hand the money to the school OR I can donate to the school and get dessert. Dessert wins every time.
By the way, vinegar gets fart goo out of clothing... I wish there was no cause to know this...
Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
What superfluous thoughts are meandering around in that frightening cavity between my ears? Only time will tell...
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Day 5: Something in life that gives you balance.
It's hard to say what gives me balance. I tend to struggle with balance a lot in all aspects of my life, so, let's settle for what keeps me sane in no particular order...
1. Medication. I don't feel this needs elaboration.
2. Monday morning Bible study. Unlike any other "church" group I have been a part of, Moms Monday is full of the most transparent women who, many in similar stages of life, aren't afraid to reveal their hurts and scars.
3. Prayer. Who hasn't stopped in the middle of a ridiculous situation (which may or may not have involved screaming incoherently at inanimate objects) able only to mutter a simple "Oh, Jesus, please..."
4. My mom. I'm not kidding, I call her EVERY. DAY.
5. Yoga. Working out has, to my chagrin, helped elevate my emotional state. I need to do more as my fat ass would definitely benefit from it, but seeing as I had convinced my high school guidance counselor that I was allergic to physical exertion (it causes me to sweat), I really think the fact that I'm doing ANYTHING at all is a step in the right direction.
6. Food. I know, here is the cause of the aforementioned fat ass. I can't help it though, I tend to eat my feelings and they taste delicious.
7. Crappy TV. I have my shows and I don't miss them...ever. Thank God for DVR.
8. Dreams. I know this sounds really cliche and dorky, but knowing that I can dream big and that, someday, there will be more to me than feeling like a housebound frumpy mom helps keep me sane.
9. Sarcasm. I'm not proud of it...okay, well, maybe I am. Everyone's gotta be good at something...
10. My husband and kids. Paradoxically, they are usually what causes my bouts of INsanity, however, I can't imagine my life without them.
Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
1. Medication. I don't feel this needs elaboration.
2. Monday morning Bible study. Unlike any other "church" group I have been a part of, Moms Monday is full of the most transparent women who, many in similar stages of life, aren't afraid to reveal their hurts and scars.
3. Prayer. Who hasn't stopped in the middle of a ridiculous situation (which may or may not have involved screaming incoherently at inanimate objects) able only to mutter a simple "Oh, Jesus, please..."
4. My mom. I'm not kidding, I call her EVERY. DAY.
5. Yoga. Working out has, to my chagrin, helped elevate my emotional state. I need to do more as my fat ass would definitely benefit from it, but seeing as I had convinced my high school guidance counselor that I was allergic to physical exertion (it causes me to sweat), I really think the fact that I'm doing ANYTHING at all is a step in the right direction.
6. Food. I know, here is the cause of the aforementioned fat ass. I can't help it though, I tend to eat my feelings and they taste delicious.
7. Crappy TV. I have my shows and I don't miss them...ever. Thank God for DVR.
8. Dreams. I know this sounds really cliche and dorky, but knowing that I can dream big and that, someday, there will be more to me than feeling like a housebound frumpy mom helps keep me sane.
9. Sarcasm. I'm not proud of it...okay, well, maybe I am. Everyone's gotta be good at something...
10. My husband and kids. Paradoxically, they are usually what causes my bouts of INsanity, however, I can't imagine my life without them.
Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Easter Keister
The title has no bearing what-so-ever on the content of this post. I just like rhyming "Easter" and "keister" and, really, what other time of year can you do that??
Trying to find a parking space at church on Easter Sunday is awful. Hence, we decided to go on Saturday night. Being the OCD person that I am (OCD meaning I am highly anal retentive in some areas and irritatingly lax in others), I thought I heard that there would be an additional service at 4:30 p.m. We all got ready and showed up to church only to find that it had, in fact, started at 4...
To me, this is no biggie. Let's go pop a squat on the couches and wait for the 5:30 service. To my mother, however, this is unconscionable. She fumed on a chair in the vestibule and shot me dirty looks the entire hour. Her discomfort was furthered by the fact that she forgot her watch. Are you kidding?? I don't even own a watch that works let alone wear one.
On the upside, we went to Napoli's after service for dinner. This is my FAVORITE restaurant EVER. The food is fantastic and there are members of the staff that remember me waddling in there as a hungry pregnant woman. My girls got hugs and free cheesecake. Rory was shouting the whole time I was feeding her bites "I like it!"
Tomorrow we'll sleep in, color and hunt eggs, and bake a ham. I'm hoping it'll be a little warmer so we can go outside.
Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Trying to find a parking space at church on Easter Sunday is awful. Hence, we decided to go on Saturday night. Being the OCD person that I am (OCD meaning I am highly anal retentive in some areas and irritatingly lax in others), I thought I heard that there would be an additional service at 4:30 p.m. We all got ready and showed up to church only to find that it had, in fact, started at 4...
To me, this is no biggie. Let's go pop a squat on the couches and wait for the 5:30 service. To my mother, however, this is unconscionable. She fumed on a chair in the vestibule and shot me dirty looks the entire hour. Her discomfort was furthered by the fact that she forgot her watch. Are you kidding?? I don't even own a watch that works let alone wear one.
On the upside, we went to Napoli's after service for dinner. This is my FAVORITE restaurant EVER. The food is fantastic and there are members of the staff that remember me waddling in there as a hungry pregnant woman. My girls got hugs and free cheesecake. Rory was shouting the whole time I was feeding her bites "I like it!"
Tomorrow we'll sleep in, color and hunt eggs, and bake a ham. I'm hoping it'll be a little warmer so we can go outside.
Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Hello, my name is Vinegar, White Vinegar...
I LOVE vinegar. Not kidding. Vinegar has to be one of the most versatile substances in my kitchen. I use it for EVERYTHING...well, almost everything.
I stopped buying cleaning products and have started going green. Not green as in environment green, but green as in "I'm cheap". I would go through cleaning products SO fast, most of them smelled bad, and I hated what they did to my hands. It all started with cleaning my dishwasher. I used white vinegar and baking soda with great results. That same day, I cleaned both my coffee pot and microwave with vinegar. It did such a fabulous job with no residual chemically-ness (it's a word, shut up) that I wondered what else I could do with it. Besides, it's CHEAP. I whipped up a batch of vinegar cleaner in a squirt bottle and went to town. I'll never use anything else again!
After having such good results with the vinegar, I started wondering what else I was over paying for. I've since started making my own Soft Scrub and Pledge. I love using these cleaners instead of chemical ones for very simple reasons, not only is it cost effective, but having children with allergies, eczema, and one with asthma, it's got to be healthier for them.
Below are the cleaning solutions I use and what I use them for. I've yet to come up with a substitute for toilet bowl cleaner or Murphy's Oil Soap, but that's only because I haven't run out of those yet! (See? Told ya I'm cheap!)
Vinegar Cleaner
1 part white vinegar to 3 parts water in a squirt bottle. I use this on all hard surfaces as vinegar is a very effective disinfectant. I go through it relatively quickly as I use it not only in the bathroom and kitchen, but as a mopping solution and glass cleaner. I don't know about all fabrics, but on my microfiber furniture, it makes a great fabric freshener (the vinegar smell dissipates within the hour) and I also use it to scrub out any spots on the furniture.
*Another $ saving tip: Nix the Swiffer and paper towels. Instead of Swiffer refills, I use one of the many rags I keep with my cleaning supplies when mopping the tile, just lay it down and poke it into the holes like you would the refills. Instead of paper towels, get a microfiber cloth from the cleaning supply section (I know they have them at Wal-Mart) that's specifically for glass. It's about $4 and when used with the vinegar cleaner leaves a streak and residue-free clean on all your glass surfaces! I even use this on my plasma TV with no ill effects.
"Soft Scrub"
Combine dish soap and baking soda to make a paste and, voila! I use a lavender scented dish soap that makes for a great smelling cleaner. It takes a little more elbow grease, but, com'on, elbow grease is FREE.
Furniture Polish
Combine 1/2 c lemon juice and 1 c olive oil in a squirt bottle. You end up with 16 oz of the BEST furniture polish I've ever used. I was hesitant at first, but I've never had my wood furniture come out so shiny! Plus, I feel A-OK using as much as I want's CHEAP! (Do you sense a theme here??) I juiced 5 lemons (at 10 cents each), strained the juice into the squirt bottle, and got the cheapest off-brand olive oil there was.
Please feel free to share your El-Cheapo tips!
Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Friday, March 30, 2012
Heart Vomit
**Warning: The following post is what I like to call "heart vomit". It may have no bearing on your life whatsoever, but it's something I feel the need to have written somewhere. It's more of an exploration of the inside of my head than anything else. It may not even make sense. This is NOT prose.**
1. Gut worship.
If you've never experienced gut worship (my neologism), I don't know if I'd ever be able to explain it to you. It's taken different manifestations in my life from uncontrollable tears to standing still in silence. There comes a time when you are so overwhelmed by God that there's nothing else you can do. I think the way it manifests physically depends a lot on what's going on with me. There have been times when it seems like I can't even stand anymore, my "gut" is so overwhelmed. There are people who have seen this happen to someone and attribute it all to emotion. Emotion is involved and is how much of what is experienced is expressed, however, it's not at the core of what's happening. If you've never been overcome by who God is, not by some portion of Him like grace, mercy, love, etc., but simply by WHO He is in His entirety, you might not understand this at all.
2. Joy worship.
I don't mean the run down the aisle or laughing uncontrollably kind of thing, but to be swept off your feet by the joy and beauty in an everyday moment in your life. There is worship in dancing with your kids, thoroughly enjoying dinner with your husband, hugging your mom...
It's been a while since I've experienced the first, but the second comes into my busy mom life a lot. Thank you, Lord for those moments; those experiences that have come in both good and bad times. I'm blessed regardless of my situation and that is said in all sincerity, with no piety, as more of a quiet acclamation than anything else.
Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Quick Update
I was kind of MIA while Clayton was home. Between the two girls and I, we had 4 sicknesses! It always seems to happen when he comes home. On one hand, it sucks because we can't do/go everything we intended to, however, on the other hand, there's at least another adult here to help wipe noses and clean up puke.
I had a FABULOUS time while he was home and was utterly spoiled. We went on our first overnight date since having kids! I felt like a real grown up! We drove to OKC and ate at the Cheesecake Factory, the best part was the salted caramel shake that had alcohol AND chunks of pretzel in it. Fo' reals, I'm going to find that recipe online and pin it. We stayed in a nice hotel. You know the kind, the ones with the doors on the inside that serves real orange juice at breakfast?? It's been a while since I've been to one of those too. The next day it was good to be Mommy. We hit up the Coach outlet and I got, not only my first Coach purse, but a matching wallet, another purse and matching wallet, a multi tote, sunglasses, and a scarf. Yup. The saleslady was jealous as Clayton kept asking me if there was anything else I wanted... I could get used to this!!
We also joined the rest of society and bought iPads. It's the most frivolous purchase, but it's so fun to have. It's also good for the girls. AC has logged many hours already playing Umi Zumi math games, reading Dr Seuss books, and watching Ruby Gloom on Netflix. That last one I'm not so stoked about...wait, that's not true. I really don't care that she's watching it, I just like to make it seem like she's doing strictly education things, it makes me feel better. What a good mother I am, right?? I may or may not be using it primarily to play games...
Speaking of games, I love bunco. I've played 3 times and have won twice! Woo! Go me! I love going home with more money than I showed up with as well as having been fed and having had conversation with people to whom booger picking isn't an issue.
I'm super tired and am pretty sure I'm ready to hit the hay. Well, I really am not going to go to sleep. I'm going to watch Netflix in my bed while playing games on my iPad. Who knows, I might even take my Coach purse to bed with me still smells like new leather.
Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
I had a FABULOUS time while he was home and was utterly spoiled. We went on our first overnight date since having kids! I felt like a real grown up! We drove to OKC and ate at the Cheesecake Factory, the best part was the salted caramel shake that had alcohol AND chunks of pretzel in it. Fo' reals, I'm going to find that recipe online and pin it. We stayed in a nice hotel. You know the kind, the ones with the doors on the inside that serves real orange juice at breakfast?? It's been a while since I've been to one of those too. The next day it was good to be Mommy. We hit up the Coach outlet and I got, not only my first Coach purse, but a matching wallet, another purse and matching wallet, a multi tote, sunglasses, and a scarf. Yup. The saleslady was jealous as Clayton kept asking me if there was anything else I wanted... I could get used to this!!
We also joined the rest of society and bought iPads. It's the most frivolous purchase, but it's so fun to have. It's also good for the girls. AC has logged many hours already playing Umi Zumi math games, reading Dr Seuss books, and watching Ruby Gloom on Netflix. That last one I'm not so stoked about...wait, that's not true. I really don't care that she's watching it, I just like to make it seem like she's doing strictly education things, it makes me feel better. What a good mother I am, right?? I may or may not be using it primarily to play games...
Speaking of games, I love bunco. I've played 3 times and have won twice! Woo! Go me! I love going home with more money than I showed up with as well as having been fed and having had conversation with people to whom booger picking isn't an issue.
I'm super tired and am pretty sure I'm ready to hit the hay. Well, I really am not going to go to sleep. I'm going to watch Netflix in my bed while playing games on my iPad. Who knows, I might even take my Coach purse to bed with me still smells like new leather.
Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Day 4: Part of your daily routine that you enjoy
I have to say I thoroughly enjoy bedtime. No, really. I love going about my business whether it be watching TV, cleaning up the house, etc. knowing my kids are tucked safe in their beds and went to sleep knowing that I love them. Mushy, huh?
Sonce Daddy has been home, bedtime has become a little more lax. In fact, Daddy + sick Mommy + spring break = sh*t ain't gettin' done. I had grand plans for this week too. We were going to make sidewalk paint, make our own chalk, go to the zoo, etc. I even planned on taking pictures to share with the blogging world and, therefore, make myself feel superior for actually DOING some of the things I've pinned. Thus far, since being sick, I've managed dinner out, cleaned up a poop explosion, finished the Hunger Games trilogy, napped, and produced at least a vat of mucus while causing myself severe chest pain. Not exactly the most productive week. On the plus side, I get a whole day alone with my husband this weekend and, hopefully, will come out of it with a Coach purse!!
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Sonce Daddy has been home, bedtime has become a little more lax. In fact, Daddy + sick Mommy + spring break = sh*t ain't gettin' done. I had grand plans for this week too. We were going to make sidewalk paint, make our own chalk, go to the zoo, etc. I even planned on taking pictures to share with the blogging world and, therefore, make myself feel superior for actually DOING some of the things I've pinned. Thus far, since being sick, I've managed dinner out, cleaned up a poop explosion, finished the Hunger Games trilogy, napped, and produced at least a vat of mucus while causing myself severe chest pain. Not exactly the most productive week. On the plus side, I get a whole day alone with my husband this weekend and, hopefully, will come out of it with a Coach purse!!
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Hide your crayons...
AC is a little devious and decided that her brown crayon rock looked enough like a turdlet, that her dad might believe it just happened to fall out of Rory's diaper and into his shoe...
We skipped church this evening to go out for BBQ, which, I think, is only acceptable in Kansas City, Texas, and some parts of Georgia and Tennessee. Before bringing Daddy his shoes, AC dropped said crayon surreptitiously into one of his shoes. I was in the kitchen making sure I had a sufficient baggie full of Cheerios in my purse in the event the natives get restless. The conversation went as follows:
AC: You might want to check your shoe, Daddy.
Daddy: Really? (Laughing) What is this??
AC: It's a turd! Rory pooped in your shoe!!
Okay, this is where things got quiet and I wondered what in the hell was going on until...
Daddy: This tastes awful...
Mommy (yelling from the kitchen): It's a CRAYON!!!!!
At this point I hear violent retching and Clayton hauls ass into the kitchen coughing and gagging into the sink. Yeah, he ate the crayon... I was flabbergasted, never in a million years had I imagined this turn of events when AC initially approached me with the idea.
Why, WHY would he eat it?? His response was that he thought it was chocolate and his intent was to gross the girls out... I have two problems with this: 1. When he popped it into his mouth and didn't taste chocolate, why didn't he spit it out, and 2. Why in the hell would you eat something that came out of your SHOE?? I'm married to this man, I KNOW what his feet smell like...
Needless to say, I continued to snicker at him the whole way to the restaurant as he attempted to nonchalantly remove bits of crayon from his teeth. The best part of the night, however, was when AC needed the restaurant kid menu crayon package opened and I told her to let me do it, Daddy might get hungry and try to eat them... She and I laughed uproariously while he gave us a banal smile and ignored us. I tell ya, that man is NO fun to tease...
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Friday, March 9, 2012
Hi, honey, I'm home!
Yesterday Clayton's flight was supposed to get in at 2:30 in the afternoon. After two delays I knew about (and one I didn't) we finally got Daddy home at 7 p.m. It was pandemonium last night trying to get the kids in jammies, teeth brushed, and in bed with all the excitement.
Rory was a little unsure of that big bearded guy AC was hugging at the airport, but was choosing Daddy over Mommy by the time we got home. She even woke up this morning yelling for "Dada". I'm definitely not upset about it either since it resulted in Daddy doing the tucking in, diaper changing, etc. The only thing I won't let him do is the picking out of clothes nor the doing of hair. I've learned that is a BAD idea from experience. Seriously, after Rory was born, he sent AC to school in a shirt of her choosing, denim cut offs, and red cowboy boots... I was horrified.
Until then,
Rory was a little unsure of that big bearded guy AC was hugging at the airport, but was choosing Daddy over Mommy by the time we got home. She even woke up this morning yelling for "Dada". I'm definitely not upset about it either since it resulted in Daddy doing the tucking in, diaper changing, etc. The only thing I won't let him do is the picking out of clothes nor the doing of hair. I've learned that is a BAD idea from experience. Seriously, after Rory was born, he sent AC to school in a shirt of her choosing, denim cut offs, and red cowboy boots... I was horrified.
![]() |
Not the worst case, but definitely a "Daddy dressed me" day. |
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
A new level of uncool
I was driving AC to her ballet class this past week and a catchy song came on the radio (We Won't Give Up by The Afters for those who care). I was in a good mood, feeling goofy, and started pumping my fist in the air while chanting the chorus to the song. The conversation went as follows:
AC: Mom, don't do that.
Me: Why?
AC: Just don't do that, ok?
Me: But why?
AC: look kinda dorky.
This, of course, as any mother knows, was a surefire way to ensure I was going to continue said behavior for the rest of the song (or longer if I'm feeling ornery). As I continued to "look dorky", AC was shooting me death glares in the rearview mirror. This made me laugh...HARD her response to which was to cover her eyes and ignore me until we arrived at dance.
There is a time in your life that you realize you will never be cool again. For most people, this epiphany comes sometime after high school or college. (I realize some NEVER grasp this nugget of truth, hence 40 year olds in cut off shorts and 80's muscle cars.) I've made peace with not ever being cool again. It's all good. I realized, however, as a result of the above conversation, that I've reached a new level of uncool...I'm now "mom uncool". Some fight hard against it, but I, like my mother, plan to embrace it. This means taking every opportunity to dance like a freak, misuse popular slang, and pretty much do everything I can to illicit eye rolls and sighs from my offspring. So, come on, moms! Drop your kids off in your bathrobe! Roll down the windows and sing loudly and off-key! Dance like a fool at any and every opportunity! Uncool moms rock!
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Me: Why?
AC: Just don't do that, ok?
Me: But why?
AC: look kinda dorky.
This, of course, as any mother knows, was a surefire way to ensure I was going to continue said behavior for the rest of the song (or longer if I'm feeling ornery). As I continued to "look dorky", AC was shooting me death glares in the rearview mirror. This made me laugh...HARD her response to which was to cover her eyes and ignore me until we arrived at dance.
There is a time in your life that you realize you will never be cool again. For most people, this epiphany comes sometime after high school or college. (I realize some NEVER grasp this nugget of truth, hence 40 year olds in cut off shorts and 80's muscle cars.) I've made peace with not ever being cool again. It's all good. I realized, however, as a result of the above conversation, that I've reached a new level of uncool...I'm now "mom uncool". Some fight hard against it, but I, like my mother, plan to embrace it. This means taking every opportunity to dance like a freak, misuse popular slang, and pretty much do everything I can to illicit eye rolls and sighs from my offspring. So, come on, moms! Drop your kids off in your bathrobe! Roll down the windows and sing loudly and off-key! Dance like a fool at any and every opportunity! Uncool moms rock!
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Day 3: Something with which you struggle
Oh, how I struggle, let me count the ways...
1. I have no and I mean NO self-control when it comes to food. If it's good, I eat it. If it's mediocre, I eat it. If it's subpar, I'll probably eat it. If it's fallen on the floor, I probably won't eat it, but I can't make any promises.
2. I'm ashamed to say, I don't read my Bible with any sort of consistency. I can go months without cracking it open, in fact, I don't even know where it is at the moment. This is where the YouVersion app has come to the rescue. I love that app, but even having multiple versions of the Bible in multiple languages with search options at my fingertips, I have no excuse.
3. Depression. I've talked about this before and the subject is, well, depressing...
4. Dermatillomania...look it up.
5. Keeping up with the laundry. Ok, it's not so much the actual laundry, it's putting it away. I HATE putting laundry away and it's not uncommon to find piles of clean clothes in my room that I conveniently disregard as I riffle through them to find particular items of clothing.
6. My hair used to be curly and has gotten progressively less so with each pregnancy. For real, it took me 25 years to figure out what to do with it only for it to change. I used to hate my curly hair and now I find myself begging God to give it back.
7. Weirdest thing ever, I know, but I struggle big time staying hydrated. I am constantly in a state of dehydration and will even get dizzy and develop migraines because of it. I don't get thirsty. I just don't, don't know why.
8. Finding topics to blog about. My life isn't all that interesting nor is it very exciting. A play by play of loading the dishwasher isn't all too riveting.
I was going to go all the way to 10, but I'm getting tired and my big girl is falling asleep next to me. I say it's high time for some snuggling.
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
1. I have no and I mean NO self-control when it comes to food. If it's good, I eat it. If it's mediocre, I eat it. If it's subpar, I'll probably eat it. If it's fallen on the floor, I probably won't eat it, but I can't make any promises.
2. I'm ashamed to say, I don't read my Bible with any sort of consistency. I can go months without cracking it open, in fact, I don't even know where it is at the moment. This is where the YouVersion app has come to the rescue. I love that app, but even having multiple versions of the Bible in multiple languages with search options at my fingertips, I have no excuse.
3. Depression. I've talked about this before and the subject is, well, depressing...
4. Dermatillomania...look it up.
5. Keeping up with the laundry. Ok, it's not so much the actual laundry, it's putting it away. I HATE putting laundry away and it's not uncommon to find piles of clean clothes in my room that I conveniently disregard as I riffle through them to find particular items of clothing.
6. My hair used to be curly and has gotten progressively less so with each pregnancy. For real, it took me 25 years to figure out what to do with it only for it to change. I used to hate my curly hair and now I find myself begging God to give it back.
7. Weirdest thing ever, I know, but I struggle big time staying hydrated. I am constantly in a state of dehydration and will even get dizzy and develop migraines because of it. I don't get thirsty. I just don't, don't know why.
8. Finding topics to blog about. My life isn't all that interesting nor is it very exciting. A play by play of loading the dishwasher isn't all too riveting.
I was going to go all the way to 10, but I'm getting tired and my big girl is falling asleep next to me. I say it's high time for some snuggling.
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Friday, March 2, 2012
Short post this evening
I'm part of a group for stay-at-home moms. I showed up to the playdate this evening without my girls as they were at my in-law's house. Seeing as I've been running around all day, I showed up in the same comfy clothes I wore to yoga this morning...and because I'm a good friend of the hostess of said playdate, I also showed up in my houseslippers. Don't judge, I don't wear them to Wal-Mart or anything, but I knew I wasn't getting out of the car before getting to her house, I figured it wasn't a big deal. I also knew said hostess had spent the day babysitting someone else's kids only to then open her house that very evening...did I also mention she's trying to SELL her house?? Yeah, she totally needed the alcoholic slushy I picked up for her before heading over (alcoholic slushies available at a drive-through...sometimes I think God really did bless Texas).
So, here I am, in my nasty yoga clothes, minimal make-up, slippers, bearing two 32oz alcoholic slushies...only to walk into a playdate full of potential and/or new members. Hooray. As the Membership Vice President of our organization, I am the first person these people contact in order to get more information...and THIS is my first impression.
We had a great time in spite of my less than stellar entrance and I *hope* these ladies and their sweet babies will be back. At least they know our group isn't very uptight!
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
So, here I am, in my nasty yoga clothes, minimal make-up, slippers, bearing two 32oz alcoholic slushies...only to walk into a playdate full of potential and/or new members. Hooray. As the Membership Vice President of our organization, I am the first person these people contact in order to get more information...and THIS is my first impression.
We had a great time in spite of my less than stellar entrance and I *hope* these ladies and their sweet babies will be back. At least they know our group isn't very uptight!
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Shhh...I'm being still
"Be still and know that I am God."
That verse has been in the back of my mind for quite a few weeks, pretty much since I started adding yoga to my routine. I'll be honest, DOING the yoga sucks, it's hard and I realize how clumsy and weak I have become, but at the end of class, with the music playing and lights low, laying down and concentrating on nothing other than my breathing and relaxing my taxed muscles is one of the best feelings in the world. To have a moment where I need do nothing more than breathe has become an essential part of my week.
I'm learning the importance of being still. In my opinion, this verse has nothing to do with falling on our faces and obsessing about how fabulous God is. I really think He is imparting to us the importance of being still. He knew what kind of world we would be living in, one where, in a moment's notice, we can order pizza, look up the capitol of North Dakota, tell everyone we've ever met exactly where we are, and own our 4th grade English teacher in a word game. We are SO bombarded with media at all times. I notice it in myself, the constant need to be doing or be entertained or "plugged in". Sitting and watching TV isn't enough for me, I have to be online or sewing or something at the same time. Not that there's anything wrong with our technologically savvy world and lifestyles, but I think God has been pounding into me the importance of being still. There is a time and place to cut myself off from everything and just breathe.

Sleep has become difficult for me as of late, I'm so tired, but just can't shut myself off enough to even lay still in bed. I've picked up some breathing meditation techniques from my yoga teacher (who also attends my church, don't get freaked out, I'm not chanting to Ganesh or anything...) that really do help. Sit or lay down in the dark (I like to have some "spa" music playing) and just breathe. The only thing you need to think about is the breath coming in and going out of your nose. Nothing else. Focusing on the breath relaxes me and also helps to keep me from going through the list of things I have to get done before leaving the house the next day.
God wouldn't have told us in His word to "be still" if it weren't important. Mentally, we need that break. He says all we need to do is "know that (He) is God". That doesn't mean sitting there thinking about all He has done for me, how great He is, or unloading my heart in His lap. There is a time and place for doing that. All I have to do is know that He is God. That's it. It's something I already know, therefore it requires no thinking at all because it's already decided, I know this.
All that is important at this very moment is that He is God and I know still...just breathe...
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
That verse has been in the back of my mind for quite a few weeks, pretty much since I started adding yoga to my routine. I'll be honest, DOING the yoga sucks, it's hard and I realize how clumsy and weak I have become, but at the end of class, with the music playing and lights low, laying down and concentrating on nothing other than my breathing and relaxing my taxed muscles is one of the best feelings in the world. To have a moment where I need do nothing more than breathe has become an essential part of my week.
I'm learning the importance of being still. In my opinion, this verse has nothing to do with falling on our faces and obsessing about how fabulous God is. I really think He is imparting to us the importance of being still. He knew what kind of world we would be living in, one where, in a moment's notice, we can order pizza, look up the capitol of North Dakota, tell everyone we've ever met exactly where we are, and own our 4th grade English teacher in a word game. We are SO bombarded with media at all times. I notice it in myself, the constant need to be doing or be entertained or "plugged in". Sitting and watching TV isn't enough for me, I have to be online or sewing or something at the same time. Not that there's anything wrong with our technologically savvy world and lifestyles, but I think God has been pounding into me the importance of being still. There is a time and place to cut myself off from everything and just breathe.
Sleep has become difficult for me as of late, I'm so tired, but just can't shut myself off enough to even lay still in bed. I've picked up some breathing meditation techniques from my yoga teacher (who also attends my church, don't get freaked out, I'm not chanting to Ganesh or anything...) that really do help. Sit or lay down in the dark (I like to have some "spa" music playing) and just breathe. The only thing you need to think about is the breath coming in and going out of your nose. Nothing else. Focusing on the breath relaxes me and also helps to keep me from going through the list of things I have to get done before leaving the house the next day.
God wouldn't have told us in His word to "be still" if it weren't important. Mentally, we need that break. He says all we need to do is "know that (He) is God". That doesn't mean sitting there thinking about all He has done for me, how great He is, or unloading my heart in His lap. There is a time and place for doing that. All I have to do is know that He is God. That's it. It's something I already know, therefore it requires no thinking at all because it's already decided, I know this.
All that is important at this very moment is that He is God and I know still...just breathe...
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Day 2: Something you regret not having done this year
Okay, so it's not really day 2, but in my defense, one of the nights was childless which I spent with trashy TV and a margarita. The other nights, well, I was just lazy. Speaking of which, I've discovered that what others call "lazy", I choose to refer to as "economy of movement". Sounds so green and frugal.
On to the challenge. Seeing as it's only 2 months into the current year, there's not much missed opportunity to be had. Even were I taking it as the past calendar year, there isn't much there to regret either. I'm sure there are a lot of little things, but nothing that sticks out in my mind. I will say, though, that I wish I could've auditioned for the local theatre's production of Chicago. Because my DH is gone and I have both the girls almost every waking (and sleeping) moment, I would never have been able to attend the rehearsals and performances. Plus, I saw their costumes and there is NO way I'd have been able to squeeze my fat ass in one of those without looking like a burst tube of Pillsbury dough. That being said, I still would like to know if I'd have been good enough to be cast. I LOVE that show... I know I couldn't dance well enough to be Velma or Roxy, but I'd have enjoyed being Momma (a part which, I might add, requires a certain voluptuousness).
There's not a whole lot I really regret aside from the standard "shoulda, coulda, woulda". I wish I had started working out so I look good naked already, I wish I had saved more money, I wish I had taken more pictures, etc.
On the whole, I can say I'm relatively regret free because, really, what good does regret do?
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
On to the challenge. Seeing as it's only 2 months into the current year, there's not much missed opportunity to be had. Even were I taking it as the past calendar year, there isn't much there to regret either. I'm sure there are a lot of little things, but nothing that sticks out in my mind. I will say, though, that I wish I could've auditioned for the local theatre's production of Chicago. Because my DH is gone and I have both the girls almost every waking (and sleeping) moment, I would never have been able to attend the rehearsals and performances. Plus, I saw their costumes and there is NO way I'd have been able to squeeze my fat ass in one of those without looking like a burst tube of Pillsbury dough. That being said, I still would like to know if I'd have been good enough to be cast. I LOVE that show... I know I couldn't dance well enough to be Velma or Roxy, but I'd have enjoyed being Momma (a part which, I might add, requires a certain voluptuousness).
There's not a whole lot I really regret aside from the standard "shoulda, coulda, woulda". I wish I had started working out so I look good naked already, I wish I had saved more money, I wish I had taken more pictures, etc.
On the whole, I can say I'm relatively regret free because, really, what good does regret do?
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Day 1: Something I am looking forward to this year
I'd like to say I'm looking forward to my husband coming home for good, but that would be more of a hope than an actuality.
As ridiculous as it may sound, the thing I am looking forward to most this year is our trip to Disneyland. This is the first big trip that we will have taken as a family of four and will be Rory's first Disney experience. ACK!!! I think I'm more excited than AC is and she is pretty stoked.
No one can deny that Disneyland is a magical place. Where else on Earth could you find a bearded, tattooed guy in a sleeveless motorcycle jacket with a pocket chain a mile long walking around in a hat with ears drinking out of a Goofy shaped souvenier cup? Nowhere...well, perhaps certain gay bars, but we don't usually frequent those on family outings. I have a serious Disney infatuation, in fact, when I do become a famous and incredibly wealthy person of influence, the first thing on my to do list will be to hire Disney Imagineers to come and deck out my kids bedrooms and our backyard. Not joking.
The best part is that we will be going when the park is decorated for Christmas. I can't wait... What could be better than Disneyland at Christmas (well, maybe Disneyland at Halloween, when I've experienced that, I'll let ya know)?
Speaking of Disney, I can't even begin to express my excitement regarding the new movie this summer. Brave! Scotland + Disney = Euphoria just this side of the second coming. I'm going to see it at the VIP theatre in Kansas City. The kind where you sit in a recliner and waiters bring you food and adult beverages. Only after I have done this will I take the kids to see it. And then maybe I'll have to take my cousin. And the neighbor kid. And the paper boy. And the special needs grocery store clerk.
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
As ridiculous as it may sound, the thing I am looking forward to most this year is our trip to Disneyland. This is the first big trip that we will have taken as a family of four and will be Rory's first Disney experience. ACK!!! I think I'm more excited than AC is and she is pretty stoked.
No one can deny that Disneyland is a magical place. Where else on Earth could you find a bearded, tattooed guy in a sleeveless motorcycle jacket with a pocket chain a mile long walking around in a hat with ears drinking out of a Goofy shaped souvenier cup? Nowhere...well, perhaps certain gay bars, but we don't usually frequent those on family outings. I have a serious Disney infatuation, in fact, when I do become a famous and incredibly wealthy person of influence, the first thing on my to do list will be to hire Disney Imagineers to come and deck out my kids bedrooms and our backyard. Not joking.
The best part is that we will be going when the park is decorated for Christmas. I can't wait... What could be better than Disneyland at Christmas (well, maybe Disneyland at Halloween, when I've experienced that, I'll let ya know)?
Speaking of Disney, I can't even begin to express my excitement regarding the new movie this summer. Brave! Scotland + Disney = Euphoria just this side of the second coming. I'm going to see it at the VIP theatre in Kansas City. The kind where you sit in a recliner and waiters bring you food and adult beverages. Only after I have done this will I take the kids to see it. And then maybe I'll have to take my cousin. And the neighbor kid. And the paper boy. And the special needs grocery store clerk.
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Give it 30 days
The reason I am such a sporadic blogger is that I am constantly without inspiration (proof of which can be seen in my numerous baby poop stories...) In an attempt to remedy this, I am taking up the 30 day writing challenge listed here. I don't know that each and every day what I write will end up posted on the internet, but I'll attempt to modify and post everything that I can.
I'm taking up this challenge because I want to write. I enjoy writing and, usually, will be impressed with myself when going back to read things I have written in the past. As with any art, the technique, not the subject are what makes it good art. To quote one of the best teachers I've ever had, Julie Mahoney, "You should be able to draw a pile of dog turds and make it interesting." The more I drew in college, the better I got. In my opinion, the same goes with writing. So, you, dear audience, are my guinea pigs. Consider these next 30 days (maybe longer, don't know that I'll be able to write EVERY day, I am a mom, ya know) to be my assignment and you, well, aside from the "guinea pig" moniker, I can't think of an appropriate label. Unless of course, you want to be the teacher and "grade" me... If that's the case, I reserve the right to disregard your criticisms with sarcastic rebuttals. Just so ya know...
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
I'm taking up this challenge because I want to write. I enjoy writing and, usually, will be impressed with myself when going back to read things I have written in the past. As with any art, the technique, not the subject are what makes it good art. To quote one of the best teachers I've ever had, Julie Mahoney, "You should be able to draw a pile of dog turds and make it interesting." The more I drew in college, the better I got. In my opinion, the same goes with writing. So, you, dear audience, are my guinea pigs. Consider these next 30 days (maybe longer, don't know that I'll be able to write EVERY day, I am a mom, ya know) to be my assignment and you, well, aside from the "guinea pig" moniker, I can't think of an appropriate label. Unless of course, you want to be the teacher and "grade" me... If that's the case, I reserve the right to disregard your criticisms with sarcastic rebuttals. Just so ya know...
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Monday, February 20, 2012
Only so much oil in this lamp
I apologize for the lack of ascerbic wit you've come to expect from me. As I stated in Ugly Scars Revealed, I've been struggling with depression and anxiety. I tend to mentally berate myself for the pile of dirty clothes sitting in front of the washing machine, the dust bunnies in the corners that are large enough to beget dust bunny babies, and just my general lack of "oomph" in relatively all aspects of my life. This is depression.
Today, however, I had a mini epiphany, if you will. While doodling in my journal during Bible study this morning (yeah, I know I just admitted I wasn't paying attention...shut up...) I realized that although depression and it's symptoms can cause me to be a horrible housekeeper, a lackluster cook, and someone who cancels plans just so she doesn't have to put on real pants, I refuse to let it make me a bad mom. I've been in survival mode for quite a while now, there is only so much I can give and I choose to give it to my kids. The dust will be there tomorrow and so will the crowd of Cheerios having a survivors support group under my couch, but my babies won't. I refuse to allow depression and anxiety to steal from the lives of my children. I'll get better and will be able to "undo" the damage this time in my life has caused to my housekeeping duties, but I will never be able to live this day with my kids again. It's a sobering thought.
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Today, however, I had a mini epiphany, if you will. While doodling in my journal during Bible study this morning (yeah, I know I just admitted I wasn't paying attention...shut up...) I realized that although depression and it's symptoms can cause me to be a horrible housekeeper, a lackluster cook, and someone who cancels plans just so she doesn't have to put on real pants, I refuse to let it make me a bad mom. I've been in survival mode for quite a while now, there is only so much I can give and I choose to give it to my kids. The dust will be there tomorrow and so will the crowd of Cheerios having a survivors support group under my couch, but my babies won't. I refuse to allow depression and anxiety to steal from the lives of my children. I'll get better and will be able to "undo" the damage this time in my life has caused to my housekeeping duties, but I will never be able to live this day with my kids again. It's a sobering thought.
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Saturday, February 18, 2012
I'm probably going to get in trouble for this...
I hate cleaning the house. I love a clean house and am a little anal about it, but I HATE actually doing it. I used to have someone who came in every 2 weeks to clean my entire 1200 sq feet of living space, but started to feel guilty about paying someone to do something I should be doing myself. Besides, they never do as well as I'd like. No kidding, I want the rugs pulled up and furniture moved out in order to sweep and mop. I don't think I could find anyone with legal citizenship to do that for a reasonable amount.
When reading The Help, I was sufficiently appalled at the working conditions of African American women at that particular place and time in history, but I have to admit, at the same time, I wish I could afford an Abileen. I don't care what race, religion, etc., she is, but how great would it be to have someone to come over and take care of you?? Like Alice from the Brady Bunch minus the irritating voice and constant slapstick expressions. I'd love a grandmotherly sort to come cook, clean, and good-naturedly berate me for leaving my coffee cup on the end table.
Maybe someday when inspiration strikes and I become the next JK Rowling, I can afford it. As for now, I suppose I have to do it my damned self... *sigh*
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
When reading The Help, I was sufficiently appalled at the working conditions of African American women at that particular place and time in history, but I have to admit, at the same time, I wish I could afford an Abileen. I don't care what race, religion, etc., she is, but how great would it be to have someone to come over and take care of you?? Like Alice from the Brady Bunch minus the irritating voice and constant slapstick expressions. I'd love a grandmotherly sort to come cook, clean, and good-naturedly berate me for leaving my coffee cup on the end table.
Maybe someday when inspiration strikes and I become the next JK Rowling, I can afford it. As for now, I suppose I have to do it my damned self... *sigh*
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Friday, February 17, 2012
Ugly Scars Revealed
It's been a while since I've blogged and, apparently, there are people who ACTUALLY miss it. I know, right?!? (Ok, so, it's, like, my mom and two other people, don't rain on my parade.) In the many moons since I've posted, I've been writing in my own thought journal, but most of those things are a little too personal to share with the world wide web.
If you've read past blogs, you know that there isn't much I'm afraid to admit about myself. I declared my weight for all to see and then copped to the fact that I got obsessive about dieting and am back to my fatty self. That being said, there's something that's really been on my heart to share:
If you've read past blogs, you know that there isn't much I'm afraid to admit about myself. I declared my weight for all to see and then copped to the fact that I got obsessive about dieting and am back to my fatty self. That being said, there's something that's really been on my heart to share:
I struggle with depression and anxiety.
I've been battling these two for quite some time, but have recently felt a burden to tell people. Those close to me have known for some time and I'm continuing to combat this with the help of my counsellor, my doctor, and the support of my family. I feel as though God is asking me to be brave enough to bare my scars. There have been people in my life (one in particular) whose transparency, though difficult for them, was a comfort and a blessing. Their bravery gave me hope and showed me that it's okay to not be okay. The torch has passed and now it's my turn:
Whatever you are going through, someone else has been there and made it out alive. Don't suffer alone. You don't have to shout it from the rooftops, but find someone you trust and be brave enough to ask for help. When you take the risk and reveal those ugly scars there will be those who judge you, but let me tell you from experience, there will be FAR less of those than you think. God has your heart in His hand, trust Him with it. I promise you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
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