It's hard to say what gives me balance. I tend to struggle with balance a lot in all aspects of my life, so, let's settle for what keeps me sane in no particular order...
1. Medication. I don't feel this needs elaboration.
2. Monday morning Bible study. Unlike any other "church" group I have been a part of, Moms Monday is full of the most transparent women who, many in similar stages of life, aren't afraid to reveal their hurts and scars.
3. Prayer. Who hasn't stopped in the middle of a ridiculous situation (which may or may not have involved screaming incoherently at inanimate objects) able only to mutter a simple "Oh, Jesus, please..."
4. My mom. I'm not kidding, I call her EVERY. DAY.
5. Yoga. Working out has, to my chagrin, helped elevate my emotional state. I need to do more as my fat ass would definitely benefit from it, but seeing as I had convinced my high school guidance counselor that I was allergic to physical exertion (it causes me to sweat), I really think the fact that I'm doing ANYTHING at all is a step in the right direction.
6. Food. I know, here is the cause of the aforementioned fat ass. I can't help it though, I tend to eat my feelings and they taste delicious.
7. Crappy TV. I have my shows and I don't miss them...ever. Thank God for DVR.
8. Dreams. I know this sounds really cliche and dorky, but knowing that I can dream big and that, someday, there will be more to me than feeling like a housebound frumpy mom helps keep me sane.
9. Sarcasm. I'm not proud of it...okay, well, maybe I am. Everyone's gotta be good at something...
10. My husband and kids. Paradoxically, they are usually what causes my bouts of INsanity, however, I can't imagine my life without them.
Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
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