Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 2: Something you regret not having done this year

Okay, so it's not really day 2, but in my defense, one of the nights was childless which I spent with trashy TV and a margarita.  The other nights, well, I was just lazy.  Speaking of which, I've discovered that what others call "lazy", I choose to refer to as "economy of movement".  Sounds so green and frugal.

On to the challenge.  Seeing as it's only 2 months into the current year, there's not much missed opportunity to be had.  Even were I taking it as the past calendar year, there isn't much there to regret either.  I'm sure there are a lot of little things, but nothing that sticks out in my mind.  I will say, though, that I wish I could've auditioned for the local theatre's production of Chicago.  Because my DH is gone and I have both the girls almost every waking (and sleeping) moment, I would never have been able to attend the rehearsals and performances.  Plus, I saw their costumes and there is NO way I'd have been able to squeeze my fat ass in one of those without looking like a burst tube of Pillsbury dough.  That being said, I still would like to know if I'd have been good enough to be cast.  I LOVE that show...  I know I couldn't dance well enough to be Velma or Roxy, but I'd have enjoyed being Momma (a part which, I might add, requires a certain voluptuousness).

There's not a whole lot I really regret aside from the standard "shoulda, coulda, woulda".  I wish I had started working out so I look good naked already, I wish I had saved more money, I wish I had taken more pictures, etc.

On the whole, I can say I'm relatively regret free because, really, what good does regret do?

Until then,

AC 'n' Rory's Mom

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