Monday, March 5, 2012

A new level of uncool

I was driving AC to her ballet class this past week and a catchy song came on the radio (We Won't Give Up by The Afters for those who care).  I was in a good mood, feeling goofy, and started pumping my fist in the air while chanting the chorus to the song.  The conversation went as follows:

AC: Mom, don't do that.
Me: Why?
AC: Just don't do that, ok?
Me: But why?
AC: look kinda dorky.

This, of course, as any mother knows, was a surefire way to ensure I was going to continue said behavior for the rest of the song (or longer if I'm feeling ornery).  As I continued to "look dorky", AC was shooting me death glares in the rearview mirror.  This made me laugh...HARD her response to which was to cover her eyes and ignore me until we arrived at dance.

There is a time in your life that you realize you will never be cool again.  For most people, this epiphany comes sometime after high school or college.  (I realize some NEVER grasp this nugget of truth, hence 40 year olds in cut off shorts and 80's muscle cars.)  I've made peace with not ever being cool again.  It's all good.  I realized, however, as a result of the above conversation, that I've reached a new level of uncool...I'm now "mom uncool".  Some fight hard against it, but I, like my mother, plan to embrace it.  This means taking every opportunity to dance like a freak, misuse popular slang, and pretty much do everything I can to illicit eye rolls and sighs from my offspring.  So, come on, moms!  Drop your kids off in your bathrobe!  Roll down the windows and sing loudly and off-key!  Dance like a fool at any and every opportunity!  Uncool moms rock!

Until then,

AC 'n' Rory's Mom

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