Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 1: Something I am looking forward to this year

I'd like to say I'm looking forward to my husband coming home for good, but that would be more of a hope than an actuality.

As ridiculous as it may sound, the thing I am looking forward to most this year is our trip to Disneyland.  This is the first big trip that we will have taken as a family of four and will be Rory's first Disney experience.  ACK!!!  I think I'm more excited than AC is and she is pretty stoked.

No one can deny that Disneyland is a magical place.  Where else on Earth could you find a bearded, tattooed guy in a sleeveless motorcycle jacket with a pocket chain a mile long walking around in a hat with ears drinking out of a Goofy shaped souvenier cup?  Nowhere...well, perhaps certain gay bars, but we don't usually frequent those on family outings.  I have a serious Disney infatuation, in fact, when I do become a famous and incredibly wealthy person of influence, the first thing on my to do list will be to hire Disney Imagineers to come and deck out my kids bedrooms and our backyard.  Not joking.

The best part is that we will be going when the park is decorated for Christmas.  I can't wait...  What could be better than Disneyland at Christmas (well, maybe Disneyland at Halloween, when I've experienced that, I'll let ya know)?

Speaking of Disney, I can't even begin to express my excitement regarding the new movie this summer.  Brave!  Scotland + Disney = Euphoria just this side of the second coming.  I'm going to see it at the VIP theatre in Kansas City.  The kind where you sit in a recliner and waiters bring you food and adult beverages.  Only after I have done this will I take the kids to see it.  And then maybe I'll have to take my cousin.  And the neighbor kid.  And the paper boy.  And the special needs grocery store clerk.

Until then,

AC 'n' Rory's Mom

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