Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Shhh...I'm being still

"Be still and know that I am God."

That verse has been in the back of my mind for quite a few weeks, pretty much since I started adding yoga to my routine.  I'll be honest, DOING the yoga sucks, it's hard and I realize how clumsy and weak I have become, but at the end of class, with the music playing and lights low, laying down and concentrating on nothing other than my breathing and relaxing my taxed muscles is one of the best feelings in the world.  To have a moment where I need do nothing more than breathe has become an essential part of my week.

I'm learning the importance of being still.  In my opinion, this verse has nothing to do with falling on our faces and obsessing about how fabulous God is.  I really think He is imparting to us the importance of being still.  He knew what kind of world we would be living in, one where, in a moment's notice, we can order pizza, look up the capitol of North Dakota, tell everyone we've ever met exactly where we are, and own our 4th grade English teacher in a word game.  We are SO bombarded with media at all times.  I notice it in myself, the constant need to be doing or be entertained or "plugged in".  Sitting and watching TV isn't enough for me, I have to be online or sewing or something at the same time.  Not that there's anything wrong with our technologically savvy world and lifestyles, but I think God has been pounding into me the importance of being still.  There is a time and place to cut myself off from everything and just breathe.

Sleep has become difficult for me as of late, I'm so tired, but just can't shut myself off enough to even lay still in bed.  I've picked up some breathing meditation techniques from my yoga teacher (who also attends my church, don't get freaked out, I'm not chanting to Ganesh or anything...) that really do help.  Sit or lay down in the dark (I like to have some "spa" music playing) and just breathe.  The only thing you need to think about is the breath coming in and going out of your nose.  Nothing else.  Focusing on the breath relaxes me and also helps to keep me from going through the list of things I have to get done before leaving the house the next day.

God wouldn't have told us in His word to "be still" if it weren't important.  Mentally, we need that break.  He says all we need to do is "know that (He) is God".  That doesn't mean sitting there thinking about all He has done for me, how great He is, or unloading my heart in His lap.  There is a time and place for doing that.  All I have to do is know that He is God.  That's it.  It's something I already know, therefore it requires no thinking at all because it's already decided, I know this.

All that is important at this very moment is that He is God and I know it...be still...just breathe...

Until then,

AC 'n' Rory's Mom

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