Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Witticism Welcome

I can't be held responsible for the
wallpaper, I rent.
IT'S FREEZING!  No joke, SO cold.  The schools in town weren't closed, but I decided AC didn't need to go to school today...and it may or may not have had anything to do with the fact that I was warm and snuggly in bed when the alarm went off.

What better day to begin the Superfluous Meanderings photo caption contest?  Here's how it works, you leave your caption(s) as a comment and I'll choose a winner.  What fabulous prize do you win?  Uh, well, nothing.  I'll post the picture with the winning contributor's name and caption on Facebook (and, if I can figure it out, Twitter).  And here, folks, is the first one:

Yup, that's pregnant me eating a donut and vacuuming under my sleeping husband's feet...

Until Then,

AC 'n' Rory's Mom

Feel free to submit a photo for a future caption contest by uploading your photo to my Facebook wall.  Any photo will be considered, new, old, of kids, animals, just as long as it is your photo and not one that has a copyright, registered image, or one off the internet.

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