Thursday, April 4, 2013

A trip to the ER availeth much

Many of you saw this picture on facebook:
The hair is wonderful, isn't it?  I couldn't have given a rat's ass at that point.
Yesterday's alleged bug bites were, in fact, hives and this morning it was accompanied by angioedema (the hella freakish swelling) on my left eye and the back of my head from ear to ear.  I called the Dr and got in with the nurse practitioner who gave me a steroid injection and sent me home with a few other Rx and instructions to call her if it didn't get better.

It did...and then got worse.  Although the swelling in my left eye had gone down, my right eye had started to swell and my hives were multiplying at a pretty rapid rate.  Furthermore, I was called with the results of my CBC informing me I have an elevated white count and need an antibiotic for whatever infection is causing it.  I, a medically uneducated person, thought, "Well, aren't the hives and edema the reason for my elevated white count?"  But, alas, I didn't say anything because, well, she has a nurse practitioner's license and all I have is a penchant for voyeuristic medical programs.

I look like a homeless person and that's offensive to homeless people.
While I was noticing a worsening of my symptoms, I realized that my chest felt heavy, as though someone were sitting on my chest.  After my oatmeal bath in cold water (that was terrible, I like molten lava showers), I called my Dr's office who told me to hightail it to the ER.

In the ER, the Dr took a look at me, asked me some questions, and looked at the Rx I was given and quickly set me straight.  No infection, my layman's assumption was correct.  I have hives and, although they look scary, they will go away and be eased by the medication, some prescribed this morning and some prescribed in the ER.  It totally didn't hurt that the Dr looked like an older (and shorter) version of Dermot Mulrooney.

My nerves are settled and the swelling has gone down even more.  I know that some people claim they get hives due to stress and I wouldn't be surprised if that were the cause although, hell, I don't want that to happen again.  I don't need to be THIS stressed...maybe I need to take up yoga again...

Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom

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