I've decided I'd like to take up archery. Yes, I know, everyone and their dog are taking up the sport as a result of Merida and Katniss, but my interest has been brewing for a while and was awakened while watching AMC's The Walking Dead. Now, I haven't watched past the first five episodes due to personal convictions, however, if you watch it, carry on.
What I didn't understand was how the epidemic got so bad in the first place, how did people NOT notice that shuffling, stinking zombies were becoming a problem and nip that crap in the bud? Herd them to a slaughterhouse, bar the doors, and set that mother on fire...there, zombie problem solved. Or how about this: If someone dies, toss them on the pyre or decapitate them. There, future zombie problem solved.
Back to archery. ONE dude in the beginning of this show has a crossbow. Really?? We're using guns over bows?? Firstly, when you find that noise summons the Thriller extras and you don't have a silencer on hand, USE A BOW...or a flame thrower. Furthermore, you can REUSE your ammo. Shoot a zombie? Great, as you walk past, pull the arrow out of their head and use it again. For reals, these people don't seem to be thinking.
Should the zombie apocalypse come to pass while I am in an urban setting, you can find my bow, arrows, and I shored up in a Wal-Mart with empty racks pushed up against the entrances and a few sharp shooters stationed on the roof. Of course, that probably wouldn't make for good television.
I intend to, ultimately, live in the boonies. We would like to have our own garden, well, windmill, etc. so that when the dead shufflers take over, it'll take 'em a while to get to me. We probably wouldn't see all too many, maybe just a few "special" zombies that get separated from the herd...
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
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