Friday, March 29, 2013

They Don't Serve Breakfast in Hell

I took the girls swimming today as it is Good Friday and Ariel is out of school.  She ended the pool time jumping in while I held her pool noodle out for her to grab as she splashed into the water.  Let me tell you, this is a vast improvement to this time last year.  No joke, my child had goggles (or googles as she called them), floaties, and a noodle whilst sitting on the top step of the pool THE ENTIRE TIME.  Yes, she, bedecked in as many floatation devices she could get her hands on, spent an hour watching everyone else enjoy the water.  She insisted she was having a good time...sure ya were.

The meals have been going well, it's plenty of food which is good as the last diet/meal plan I went on made me hangry.  No, that's not a typo.  (hangry - adj. hunger induced anger)  The last attempt at flab fighting was one of those shake-type plans and I have to say I won't ever do one of those again.  I am absolutely positive they work, just not for me.  I HATED the shakes.  If you want to torture me, force me to exist on protein shakes, I despise them.  Just making the shake would cause such incendiary rage that I would fantasize about picking up the blender mid-blend and smashing the mother f'er against the wall.  I need food.  The kind you chew.

The hardest part of this meal plan is forcing myself to eat breakfast.  From as early as I was able to make such a decision, I've never been a breakfast eater.  I don't like eating first thing in the morning, I need to drink my coffee and stare blankly at the wall for a while.  I don't like to have to think in the morning and I find it very rude when people can't just let me get my coffee and ignore me for about 30 minutes.  No such luck though, mornings around here are hectic, of course, as it is in most houses with school age children.  I've found myself feeling very ill about 30 minutes after eating.  My stomach is revolting as it hasn't even woken up and I'm feeding it.  I think it shares my attitude: Give me my coffee and leave me alone.

AC is a lot like me, she'll eat some cereal in the morning, but for her to really tuck into something it needs to be served at least 45 min after she has woken up.  Rory is like her dad, no patience, just feed me now.  That's why he either eats leftovers or will go out and pick something up when he's home.  The former is something I find absolutely abhorrant.  Leftovers for breakfast???  I have to have breakfast food for breakfast, not reheated lasagna or Japanese steakhouse doggy bag remains.  Yeuch.  I shudder at the thought.

Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom

~Anyone get the title reference BESIDES my mom and brothers??

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