Last night, I went to bed just fine. This morning, however, I woke up with small raised bumps that itch like a mo-fo. My first thought: bedbugs. Hence, the morning was spent inspecting my mattress, box spring, and bed frame making the kids tardy and me late for school. I'm happy to say I didn't find anything aside from some hardcore dust balls. Not finding creepy crawlies, though, didn't help the bump situation and the Internet research I did when trying to find out what to look for only exacerbated the itching. Before the search, I didn't know what scabies I do. I also didn't know how many types of lice there I do. Fabulous. I'm itchy EVERYWHERE and will now commence my life encased in a pest-free bubble.
After a good sweat at the gym, I came home and noticed the bumps had spread! I've come to the conclusion that it's one of two things, either sweat dermatitis or hives. Should it be the former, I am vindicated in my assertion that I AM, in fact, allergic to exercise and I will take pictures and email them to my high school guidance councilor. Should it be the latter, well, I'm stumped and have NO idea what I could be allergic to, unless my body has decided to exhibit visible (and itchable) signs of stress. Couldn't, stressed?? *insert nervous tick here*
What made my day even more fantastic was Rory running into the bathroom as I attempted a super fast shower. I had left her happily eating her lunch at the table only to be interrupted less than 5 minutes into my lather, rinse, repeat cycle with cries of "poopy". Thinking she needed to go, I plopped her up onto the toilet and hopped back in the shower to finish at ludicrous speed (Spaceballs, anyone?). As I got out of the shower, I noticed a smear on the seat. Lo and behold, the poor kid ran to her potty in the living room mid-poop, pulled her diaper off, and finished the job in her little potty. She then ran into the bathroom to tell me about her grand accomplishment. (Which it was seeing as this is the FIRST time she has even attempted to poo in the loo.) Welp, after many Clorox wipes and ANOTHER shower (in order to wash Rory's butt), I'm finally able to relax...and scratch.
Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
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