Monday, May 2, 2011

Beans in the Bathtub

After showering this afternoon, I noticed that our bathtub drain was slow.  I made a mental note to pick up some Drain-o on my next excursion and went about my business making dinner.  Dinner was a REALLY yummy black bean soup...that is neither here nor there.  I used canned beans and rinsed them in a colander in the sink.  We ate dinner (AC under duress) and proceeded to go on with our night.

Feeling the need to use the facilities, I headed to the bathroom only to be confronted with a cringe-inducing sight.  There was black crap ALL OVER THE BOTTOM OF THE BATHTUB!  After my initial shock, I realized the black crap was the liquid I rinsed off the beans for dinner...yeah...  Let's up the ante and report that my attempts to flush the toilet went south...well, ok, didn't go south.  Now there's potty water all over my bathroom floor.  I'm so excited.

A text to my landlady availeth much; there will be a plumber here tomorrow come hell or high water.  Hopefully, there's no high water.  Until then, AC thinks peeing in the backyard is a grand adventure.  Mommy, not so much.  Thank God for the motion lights and privacy fence...

Until Then,

AC 'n' Rory's Mom

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