As a result of cough medicine induced napping all day yesterday, Rory hardly slept last night. I should have seen that as the harbinger of doom that it was. This morning was horrible. All moms have these mornings, when your hair looks like crap, your make-up isn't working, and EVERYTHING you put on makes you look like an obese baglady. As if those things weren't frustrating enough, the baby is screaming inconsolably, AC is being a naggy whiner and I'm tripping over her every time I turn around. We SHOULD have made it to early service this morning, but with all the crap that was going on, we barely made it to second service. It was all I could do to smile and nod while weaving through the crowd lugging Rory's carseat while trying not to yell at AC while she meandered slowly behind me. Until now, I have never left Rory in the nursery on Sunday mornings, but this morning, Mommy needed some Jesus. Fo' reals, I needed to go and BE in church, no baby, no cell phone, nothing, just me and Jesus because despite all my desperate and fleeting prayers this morning, things weren't changing, least of all my attitude. I know it would be a horrible screamy day if SOMETHING didn't change.
I don't take notes, I doodle
during church... |
I have to admit, I was expecting some huge emotional "touch from the Lord" during worship that would magically transform my day and didn't come. Nor was the message one of those spoken-directly-to-me epiphanies. However, while sitting at the little cafe table during the middle of service, the Lord spoke to me; I had my own little supernatural revelation. God said the following: "Turning to Me on a bad day isn't about Me rewarding you by changing the course of your day, it's about you becoming Mine and finding your joy in My eyes because when you're gazing into My face, nothing else matters."
This may not be all that new to anyone else, but, like I said before, it was a revelation to me. I feel like I've learned what "praise You in this storm" really means in practice. Thank God I learned that lesson on a small scale. A bad day isn't that big of a storm, but when the bigger ones come, I can come back to today's blog and remind myself how to praise Him through it.
Until Then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
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