"Let's let the old year die
with a fond goodbye
and our hopes as high
as a kite."
Let's Start the New Year Right
performed by Big Crosby in Holiday Inn (Best. Movie. Ever.)
AC is staying at my mother-in-law's, so it's just Rory and I tonite to ring in the new year. Strike that, it's just me, she's asleep.
I'm not going to get all introspective and wax poetic, there's a time and place for that, but there are enough people doing that this time of year, so, I'll save you the boredom.
Every year, regardless of whether or not they're verbalized, we make resolutions. "This year I'll exercise", "This year I'll keep the house clean all the time", "This year I'll eat better", "This year I'll save money", "This year I'll stop hiding in the bathroom to eat chocolate so I don't have to share with my kids". You know the drill. We spend time, money, and energy attempting, this time, to actually become the person we want to be; to bring to life the person we envisioned ourselves as being when we were young.
However, we are who we are. We can alter our behaviors for the better or worse, but who we are, the individual God created, doesn't change so much. Besides, each year I resolve to lose weight and look better and yet it never really happens. Do you think that if I resolve to get fatter and look worse, that the trend will continue?
By the way, I take back the "hide in the bathroom" resolution...I plan on doing that as soon as AC gets home.
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
Do you make resolutions? Have you ever followed through?
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