It's getting close to Halloween and AC has had her costume since June. We bought her a Sleeping Beauty ensemble at Disneyland and, seeing as it cost almost as much as admission to the park, decided it was her Halloween costume. Not to be left out of the fun, I ordered a Maleficent costume from the Disney Store! Muahahahaha... So, if AC and I are going to be characters from Sleeping Beauty, Rory has to join the cast AND seeing as I will be carrying her around all evening, what better character than Maleficent's raven? Do you THINK I could find a bird costume of any kind?? No...that would be too easy. I got creative and bought a black fleece tracksuit from Wal-Mart and pimped it out with ribbon feathers and a scrap wool applique face. I did a pretty freakin' good job if I say so myself.

We carved pumpkins today during our pajama day. I should clarify, I carved a pumpkin. AC wanted me to carve a Dora Explorer pumpkin. Uh, right, I think that falls outside Mommy's realm of ability, so, we went for an owl instead.
As my cousin pointed out, AC has been on a roll with the inappropriate, yet, hilarious soundbites lately that are wonderful fodder for Facebook status updates. The rest of the blog will be dedicated to preserving them for posterity (or for my own personal entertainment when she's a teenager and it's no longer funny.)
AC was standing at the front door trying to get it open when we heard the ice cream truck somewhere in the neighborhood. I walked up behind her just in time to hear, "It's that damn ice cream man again..."
She is SO my kid, she was hiding from her daddy...under a glass top table...
AC: Mom, where's your phone?
Me: Right here.
AC: I'm glad it's not lost. 'Member when I lost it?
Me: Yes, I do, and I hope that never happens again.
AC: Me too. You might call the policeman and he will come get me. That would be bad, bad, bad...
She let me know that my phone was giving her a "pain in the ass".
She didn't get the straw that came with a cup we bought and she told me that the guy who sold it to us was "frickin' damn" because he didn't give it to us.
Not sure if I remember why and in her defense, I don't think she understood that it was inappropriate, but I was called a butthole by my grinning three year old.
AC got lotion on the floor but nonchalantly assured me she would "wipe that crap up."
I told AC to finish her beans. She told me she couldn't because she's "filled up with beans".
Clayton and I don't like vans, but somehow AC has gotten it into her head that we need to get a red minivan. My MIL informed me that in her bedtime prayers was a heartfelt request for a red van...
And we'll end on a sweet note:
I made AC Easy Mac for dinner and she says, "Mmm, mmm. Momma you're a good cooker!" Lol, it's Easy Mac for goodness sakes, but it's nice to be appreciated.
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
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