Funny how getting a computer of your own can cause you to take up pursuits otherwise deemed unnecessary. Things such as Farmville, Frontierville, Cafe World...oh, and that blog that you so cavalierly abandoned many moons ago.
I had planned to wax poetic about my list of accomplished tasks, the dinner I didn't have to cook, and the joys of sitting in the recliner watching Julie and Julia. However, my peaceful evening took a turn for the paranoid while I was *ahem* cyber farming

(and spamming my and other's pages with farm updates, offers of fuel, and bushels of raspberries). Out of the corner of my eye, a small dark shadow flickered across my kitchen floor. It was nothing, really...I've just been wearing my contacts too long, right? WRONG! Up until TONIGHT, I have dealt with mice, but only in the walls, they had never ventured into the part of the house that I inhabit. Not anymore, my friend, said shadow was a MOUSE scampering merrily through my kitchen!! There are many things that skeeze me out: big bugs, birds, animal genitals as food...however, topping the list is rodents. And what is a mouse? A nasty, flea-infested, disease-ridden, rodent vermin. *shudder*
After realizing that I wasn't imagining things, I did what any other red-blooded American powder puff would do, I called
my mom. After some brief commiseration, she, of course, laughed at me... I don't think she understands the extent to which mice affect me. I jerk awake in the middle of the night with visions much akin to that scene in Ratatouille where the little old lady blows a hole in her ceiling only to find a bazillion rats living in her house. Gag... Mom also laughed at my consternation that my fervent prayers against vermin infestations have availethed pretty much squat. Fo' reals, if God can bring people back from the dead and tell animals to hoof it onto a boat two by two, what is stopping Him from sending out a supernatural memo to the rodents of Amarillo that my house is off limits??
Ok, mom off the phone, it's time to get the kids in bed and, thank God, I have some extra traps (the expensive, but wonderfully all enclosed kind).

Baby has been fed, but continues to scream her guts out and AC is refusing to get off the couch for fear of being accosted by the mouse. Wonderful. I left them both doing their best to go hoarse to set traps in the kitchen and pile Cool Whip on the slice of raspberry chiffon pie I intended to eat in bed. (Yes, I am eating pie in bed. Don't judge me...)
Traps set and outta the kitchen I go. I sure as hell am not going to stick around and LISTEN to the little nasty beasts getting killed.

Walking into my room, I find that AC is watching a Mexican soap opera on YouTube on my phone and has, seemingly out of the blue, developed a large lump under her eye. Great... We go to the doctor tomorrow and it looks like I socked her in the peeper. Will she TELL me what happened??? Nooo, that would be FAR too easy on a mother who's sanity is about to fly the coop. After a lengthy pantomime, I have deduced that she was attempting to dance around in her room, tripped, and smacked her eye on something.
She says the wall...don't know how that could be, but whatever. I think the story I've pieced together is about as good as it's going to get.
Keep in mind that throughout all of this, the baby has been hitting ear piercing decibals with no intention to cease. I'm tempted to sit on my contaminated mouse floor and join her.
One Barbie mermaid movie and two sore nipples later (AC watched a movie and the baby nursed...better clarify) both kids are asleep in my bed, my blog is updated, and my piece of pie is calling my name. To quote Billy Joel, "Oh, what a night".
Until then,
AC 'n' Rory's Mom
P.S. Please forgive any spelling errors in this post, the spellcheck feature doesn't seem to be working and my mouth is too full of raspberry-liscious Cool Whip for me to really give a crap at this particular juncture...