AC was VERY tired when we went to pick him up at the airport. She was barely awake when he tried to talk to her. It wasn't the homecoming he had imagined, I am sure, but he was pretty tired too, so I think he understood.
When she woke up the next morning, I brought her into our bed and asked her who that man was. She whispered "Daddy". Then I asked her what she was going to tell Daddy, he erupted in giggles when her response was "Toy store. Princess cycle." She didn't forget who made her those promises on the phone! It wasn't long before I was hearing "No, Momma, Daddy do it." She is enamored and it's like he never left.
It has been a whirlwind week. There was so much he wanted to do while home, I don't think we'll get to all of it, but we'll certainly try.

The princess cycle was high on the list of priorities, obviously. We got down every tricycle at Toys 'R' Us, but she didn't want any part of them. She wanted the 10 inch Disney Princess bike. So the Disney Princess bike it was...and Daddy didn't stop there, she also got a basket, streamers, a horn, a helmet, and elbow pads. Nana got her a hula hoop. Later she picked out a Disney Princess fishing pole at Gander Mtn for our trip to NM. It was a good day to be AC.
We got family pictures taken and they were wonderful! Wil did a FABULOUS job and I can't wait to get them in. Speaking of pictures, Clayton got me an anniversary/birthday gift. I got a new camera! A Nikon D60...I have so much to learn about it. Mom sent us a Best Buy gift card for our anniversary, so we decided to use it towards this purchase. To be honest, it kind of made me ill to spend that much money. I'm such a tightwad!
Unfortunately, I got sick on Monday and Tuesday my physical therapist took one look at me and told me to go home. I guess I looked really terrible. It probably didn't help that we had spent the morning at the Discovery Center...
Last night Cyndy (SIL) and her boyfriend, Wes, got here. We all went to Palo Duro Canyon today and they hiked up to the cave. They had plans to go further, but storms were coming in and we didn't want to get stuck down there, so that concluded out trip to the big hole in the ground.
I think I'll have to conclude, we need to get home and pack up the car as we are headed to Red River tomorrow!!
Until Then,
AC's Mom
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