Thursday, February 28, 2013

If I have one, it hurts

Working out with a trainer who is a muscle-bound former Marine is hard enough the first time.  Coming back after an 8 week hiatus just plain sucks.  I started again three weeks ago and it hurts just as badly every time.  On the plus side, when I tell him he is a sadistic man who has brain damage from bulging muscle induced lack of oxygen to the brain, he laughs and says, "You're the one paying me."

Yes, I am.  I've had this conversation with myself.  I feel, however, that should I ever be able to wear real jeans with a t-shirt that actually fits and NOT have a muffin top, I should continue to expose myself to the punishment and, if not learn to love it, at least tolerate it.

When I left you last, AC, who has since been renamed (by her sister) and will henceforth be referred to as "Ackle" had wedged a wad of goo in her hair.  It's been almost a year since I stopped blogging and every few days, I get an inkling.  (Don't be disgusting, look it up.)  I should be conituing to post about the boring everyday things that make up my life as a mother of two.  Not for the benefit of any readers, but for my personal benefit.  Going back through these posts, I can read, laugh, and remember things that will seem like just yesterday when my kids are too cool to be seen with me.

I have a hard time finding my life interesting enough to write about while I'm in it.  I need to be consistent and am asking for help.  Everyone needs encouragement and, whether you ACTUALLY read the posts or not, please get on my case if I go too long without checking in.

Right now, though, I need to get Rory's face cleaned up and drag our sick with a cold butts out of the house to get haircuts.  I hope I remember to take the tissue out of my nose before we walk out the door...

Until then,

AC 'n' Rory's Mom