Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would hear, "No talking, Momma" before my child was 2. I'm not kidding, when she doesn't want to hear what I am saying she will tell me to stop talking. Now, this has never happened when she is being harangued, only when I am chattering at her and she prefers that I stop. That being said, she has yet to get a spanking for it. I feel, however, that said spanking is immanent. Nana told me that she was "getting onto" AC the other day and AC put her fingers in her ears. Of course, my MIL laughed and couldn't bring herself to spank her. I don't know if she hasn't performed this trick at home because she KNOWS she will get punished, or if she is planning a public humiliation of her dear old mom...
She is so bossy... In addition to tell me when I can sing, talk, etc. She feels it is her right and responsibility to boss every living creature. Her 4 year-old friend, Lily, was over the other day and AC, perched on her high chair, pointed at Lily and instructed her to, "Don't do that. Stop it." I don't even remember what Lily was doing, but it was nothing that warranted a reprimand. Least of all from the 21 month-old. I have, on several occasions, had to tell AC that she is not that child's Momma and she is not to tell them "no no". And don't think just because you aren't a human that you are exempt from her demands. She is constantly telling bugs to "go away". Yesterday we were outside and the neighbor's dog was barking, she shook her little finger at the privacy fence between the houses and yelled, "No talking, puppy!" The birds were on the receiving end of her ire when she told them, "No sing!"
As wishy-washy as I feel I am at times, it's nice to know that my daughter didn't inherit that particular trait. She knows what she wants and wants it now! Granted, that aspect of her character isn't always a boon, it sometimes gets her into trouble, but it is encouraging as her mother to know that my child knows her mind and isn't easily swayed. It may foreshadow many fights in the years to come, but I can rest assured that come the tween and teenage years, the crowd will be following HER, not the other way around.
Until then,
AC's Mom
What superfluous thoughts are meandering around in that frightening cavity between my ears? Only time will tell...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
I feel like a newlywed...*sigh*
Clayton comes home in 8 days! It feels as though there is so much to do and so much that I haven't done to get ready for him to come home. I have already started straightening and I need to do laundry (things that can be done now). However, most of the items on my "to do" list are things that will need to be done in the few days before his arrival: vacuuming and washing the car, sweeping the garage and porches, cleaning the house, washing the sheets, etc. Don't think me ridiculous, but I called a friend who cleans houses to come and clean for me the day he comes home. It's just one less thing for me to stress about. By the time I get everything straightened and organized (Clayton is WAY organized and I am not), I won't have the energy to clean as well as I want to.
I didn't think it would be so stressful for him to come home. Don't get me wrong, I am beyond excited to see him again, euphoric, but I didn't expect to be nervous to see him. My friend, Katie, warned me about this, but I didn't think it would apply to us. I was WRONG! I know my apprehension is self-made, but I can't help it! He has lost 60 lbs! I have lost NONE... Do you know what that does to my psyche??? He will come home all good lookin' only to be greeted by the tubby, frazzled wife he left behind. I know that he loves me no matter what, but I just don't want him to be disappointed on any level. I'm doing what I can. I will get waxed and spray tanned just before he comes home, that will make me feel a little better. I may still be fat, but at least I will be golden and streamlined! Like Mom says, "Tan fat looks better than pasty fat."
I have also been getting AC prepared to see him. I don't want her to be scared or freaked out. I don't think she will be. She has talked to him often enough on the phone, looked at LOTS of pictures, and we talk about him all the time. She may not totally understand what is happening, but she knows that, whatever it is, it is a good thing; something to be excited about. She has been bouncing around like a demented squirrel lately chanting, "Daddy, daddy, daddy". He has also promised her that we will go to the toy store and she can pick out a tricycle when he gets home. I don't know that she really knows what a tricycle is, but, let me tell you, she is STOKED! She has been tell everyone, "Daddy home. Toy store. Cycle. I pick it!" We have also been practicing what she will say and do when she sees him. She is all about running and yelling for him, hugging and kissing him, and telling him, "I lub you, Daddy." Whether she actually performs is another matter entirely, but I hope she does. All in all, I think she is excited enough that it will be a fun experience for her and she will warm up to him quickly.

Don't expect too many blogs when he is home!
Until then,
AC's Mom
I didn't think it would be so stressful for him to come home. Don't get me wrong, I am beyond excited to see him again, euphoric, but I didn't expect to be nervous to see him. My friend, Katie, warned me about this, but I didn't think it would apply to us. I was WRONG! I know my apprehension is self-made, but I can't help it! He has lost 60 lbs! I have lost NONE... Do you know what that does to my psyche??? He will come home all good lookin' only to be greeted by the tubby, frazzled wife he left behind. I know that he loves me no matter what, but I just don't want him to be disappointed on any level. I'm doing what I can. I will get waxed and spray tanned just before he comes home, that will make me feel a little better. I may still be fat, but at least I will be golden and streamlined! Like Mom says, "Tan fat looks better than pasty fat."
I have also been getting AC prepared to see him. I don't want her to be scared or freaked out. I don't think she will be. She has talked to him often enough on the phone, looked at LOTS of pictures, and we talk about him all the time. She may not totally understand what is happening, but she knows that, whatever it is, it is a good thing; something to be excited about. She has been bouncing around like a demented squirrel lately chanting, "Daddy, daddy, daddy". He has also promised her that we will go to the toy store and she can pick out a tricycle when he gets home. I don't know that she really knows what a tricycle is, but, let me tell you, she is STOKED! She has been tell everyone, "Daddy home. Toy store. Cycle. I pick it!" We have also been practicing what she will say and do when she sees him. She is all about running and yelling for him, hugging and kissing him, and telling him, "I lub you, Daddy." Whether she actually performs is another matter entirely, but I hope she does. All in all, I think she is excited enough that it will be a fun experience for her and she will warm up to him quickly.

Don't expect too many blogs when he is home!
Skinny Amanda, she DID exist!!
Until then,
AC's Mom
Friday, May 22, 2009
Some days are just good days

Ever have a day that, no matter what your child does, you can't help but look at them and feel overwhelmed? Not in a bad way either, but overwhelmed by how much you love that little person.
AC doesn't suffer from lack of attention or affection on any given day, however, on those good days, she is smothered. I want to hold her, kiss her, and ingrain her sweet smell into my memory as I know it won't last forever. I don't ever find myself wishing she were older or wishing days would pass faster (except when I'm counting down the days until I see Clayton). In general I try to hold onto every moment I have. Too soon, your cuddly newborn wants to crawl on the floor, then walk, then is learning to use the potty; I don't even want to BEGIN to think about school.
It's bittersweet to see her grow and develop. Bitter in that she, bit by bit, doesn't need me anymore and sweet in that I can see that I'm raising an independent, well-adjusted child. She really is that, independent and well-adjusted. I couldn't be more proud of her, not because of, but in spite of my abilities as a mother.
One day I won't hear, "Hold you, Momma", but I pray that I am raising her in a way that "I love you, Momma" never goes away.
Until then,
AC's Mom
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Appeasing the masses
I've been badgered to blog more. Like I said, I'm appeasing the masses. (The "masses" consisting of two of my MOMS Club friends and my cousin... They can take away my computer, but they can't take away my sense of self-importance.)
Clayton comes home June 2nd!! Yahoo! I excitedly made an appointment for us to get family pictures the first Saturday he is home. I have been looking forward to it until it occurred to me, I have to be in these photos...suck... What am I going to wear??? I may have to get something new as I don't want all the pictures to show me plucking my shirt away from my stomach roll. I also don't want to look pregnant. Speaking of, I have been asked THREE TIMES over the last 4 months if I'm expecting, by women no less! I wanted to tell them that I'm "expecting" to lose 15 lbs, thank you for asking, but I don't think that is what Jesus would do...
AC is growing like a weed and cracks me up regularly. A few weeks ago we were at the mall when she decided she has to "poo-poo-potty". (Which includes pee, poo, and gas...let me tell you, I love maneuvering my cart in the bathroom and papering the toilet seat all while chanting "Don't touch" like a savant only for her to sit on the toilet and fart.) She is sitting on the toilet when a woman comes in to use the stall beside us. When AC hears her pee, she starts clapping and shouting "Yay!!! Poo poo da potty! Canny!" , her version of what I say at home when she goes in the potty. Can you believe this woman didn't even laugh??? I would have fallen off the toilet in a fit of hysteria. In fact, I laughed so hard I almost peed myself. Speaking of potty training, anyone who says they potty trained their kids in 3 days is either lying or has a magic wand. AC has been pooping on the potty since February with only three accidents. Pee is another story. I clean up at least 3 puddles a day and although everyone says not to use Pull-Ups, I do. Call me crazy, but I don't relish changing my daughter's clothes in the grocery store bathroom while the poor stock boy has to clean up a pee lake in the middle of produce. Maybe I'm just not going at it hard enough, but, really, I have errands to run and things that need done. She's not even two, I think we are ahead of the game and if you think otherwise, keep it to yourself, my child is a GENIUS!
My genius is also a parrot. She repeats EVERYTHING. I think it's hilarious. She doesn't hear anything she shouldn't according to me. Her pre-school teacher may have an opposing view. I think it's funny when she says "crap", "oh my gosh", "darn it", and "Wat up, yo". I also think it's funny when she says a word that sounds like something else. For example, when she says "frog", it sounds very much like another four letter word that starts with "f". "Upset" sounds like "Oh, sh*t" and so on. I get her to say those particular words all the time because it cracks me up... Am I a bad mother? No, just one with a sense of humor.
Until then,
AC's Mom
Clayton comes home June 2nd!! Yahoo! I excitedly made an appointment for us to get family pictures the first Saturday he is home. I have been looking forward to it until it occurred to me, I have to be in these photos...suck... What am I going to wear??? I may have to get something new as I don't want all the pictures to show me plucking my shirt away from my stomach roll. I also don't want to look pregnant. Speaking of, I have been asked THREE TIMES over the last 4 months if I'm expecting, by women no less! I wanted to tell them that I'm "expecting" to lose 15 lbs, thank you for asking, but I don't think that is what Jesus would do...
AC is growing like a weed and cracks me up regularly. A few weeks ago we were at the mall when she decided she has to "poo-poo-potty". (Which includes pee, poo, and gas...let me tell you, I love maneuvering my cart in the bathroom and papering the toilet seat all while chanting "Don't touch" like a savant only for her to sit on the toilet and fart.) She is sitting on the toilet when a woman comes in to use the stall beside us. When AC hears her pee, she starts clapping and shouting "Yay!!! Poo poo da potty! Canny!" , her version of what I say at home when she goes in the potty. Can you believe this woman didn't even laugh??? I would have fallen off the toilet in a fit of hysteria. In fact, I laughed so hard I almost peed myself. Speaking of potty training, anyone who says they potty trained their kids in 3 days is either lying or has a magic wand. AC has been pooping on the potty since February with only three accidents. Pee is another story. I clean up at least 3 puddles a day and although everyone says not to use Pull-Ups, I do. Call me crazy, but I don't relish changing my daughter's clothes in the grocery store bathroom while the poor stock boy has to clean up a pee lake in the middle of produce. Maybe I'm just not going at it hard enough, but, really, I have errands to run and things that need done. She's not even two, I think we are ahead of the game and if you think otherwise, keep it to yourself, my child is a GENIUS!
My genius is also a parrot. She repeats EVERYTHING. I think it's hilarious. She doesn't hear anything she shouldn't according to me. Her pre-school teacher may have an opposing view. I think it's funny when she says "crap", "oh my gosh", "darn it", and "Wat up, yo". I also think it's funny when she says a word that sounds like something else. For example, when she says "frog", it sounds very much like another four letter word that starts with "f". "Upset" sounds like "Oh, sh*t" and so on. I get her to say those particular words all the time because it cracks me up... Am I a bad mother? No, just one with a sense of humor.
Until then,
AC's Mom
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